Hello Everyone!!
Today I am sharing my son's first year album. He is already 3 now but I never got the time to work on the album. I wanted to incorporate a lot of things in the album and make it complete with all the pictures, etc, so all the planning took a lot of time. I have been collecting the papers, embellishments and other stuff for the album since a long time, so that whenever I make it, I have all the things in place.
It took me almost 2 months to complete this album as I worked on it in bits and pieces.
I got a box for the album and covered it with a pretty wrapping paper. The album will remain safe and secure inside the box.
Few facts and figures about the album:
1. Box Size: 12.5x10.5x6 inches
2. Album Cover: 9x9 inches
3. Album Spine: 2.5 inches
4. Album Pages: 8x8 inches
5. No. of Pages: 8 interactive pages
6. No. of 6x4" photos: 72
7. No. of 4x4" photos: 27 (incl. pics in inserts)
8. No. of 4x3" photos: 33
9. No. of 2x2" photos: 7
10. Total no. of photos: 139 (with placeholders for 12 more pictures to be added later)
11. Paper packs used: Echo Park Bundle of Joy Boy, Nana's Nursery Mat Stack Baby Boy,
DCWV The Blossom Song Stack
12. Embellishments: Itsy Bitsy India, Local stationery stores
This is the box for the album....

This is how the album fits inside the box.... there is a slider partition that will hold his first dress and booties....
The album cover with the pretty decorative chipboard alphas from Itsy Bitsy...
Bundle of Joy embellishment created from the cover of the Paper Pack...
The 9x9" album with 8 inserts...
The charms and the bows on the spine...
Inside of the album cover and the first page...
The second page has my son's pictures with me & my husband. The third page has an envelope to hold the pregnancy scans and birth story...
On opening the second page, the flaps have more pictures with me and the on the right there are pictures with his Dad.... Behind the pictures are pockets to hold journaling tags...
The Family Tree page, which is my favorite, created from scratch using die-cuts...
The next pages are for the Baby Shower ceremony and Welcome Home...
This page is for Naming ceremony. It has lot of pictures from the occasion....
These two pages are for Special Occasions & Festivals...
The left page is a continuation of Special Occasions and the right page is for his first Mundan Ceremony and Kuan pujan (rituals in India)....
This page is for pictures of his favorites..... like toys, song/rhymes, food,etc....
This page is for his 'Firsts'.... first soup, first bath, first air travel, etc...
The left page is a waterfall page with pictures of all 12 months.... and on the right is the First Birthday celebration page...
The left page is a continuation of the birthday page... while on the right are few more memorable pictures from his first year....
The last page is blank as of now.... to add anything that I might like to add later.....The inside of the album cover has a large pocket to hold tags and paraphilia....
The back cover of the album....
Here is a detailed video of the album along with the pictures.... Sit back, enjoy and do leave your precious comments and love.....