December 10, 2014

Mega Celebration 2014 Event 6 - Explore

Hello and welcome to Mega Celebration 2014 Event 6 - Explore.
Do register for the first event - Blog Giveaway and participate in the second event - Challenge. Both these events are open till midnight, 25th December 2014. You never know, you might just win the gift voucher/prize being offered there!!
Also please note, you still have time till midnight today, to send in your answers for the fifth event - Photo Mashup!!

What is the game about:
I have a set of 10 questions related to my work and my blog. With just a little bit of exploring around on my blog, you will be easily able to find out the answers to these.
1. What is the total no. of posts on my blog till now?
2. What top 5 changes you notice on my blog after I revamped it?
3. If you have to see all my wins, etc. , which is the page to go?
4. How many tutorials do I have in the Recycled Crafts section?
5. How many Masculine cards I have made till now?
6. I have been DT (not Guest DT), for which Craft store(s) in the past?
7. What are the names in the quilled name plaques which I have made till now?
8. When did I revamp my blog in 2014? Mention date…
9. Which craft stores are Sponsoring my Mega Celebration 2014 events?
10. Which card of mine got the maximum number of comments in the year 2014. 
How to play
1. Send in your answers to with subject 'Explore'.
2. The last date to send entries for this event is Friday, 12th December 2014, midnight.

Proud Sponsor

TheCraftShop is People’s FAVOURITE online craft supply store in India.We are committed to bringing new and trendy craft products to Indian Market from around the world.  We stock all items related to card making, Scrapbooking, Quilling, Decoupage, Sosopeso Transparente, Clay Crafts and Mixed Media. Visit our store and you would be tempted to buy a handful of items :)

Thanks a lot Priya Sivaraj, the owner of  TheCraftShop, for sponsoring this event. Priya is offering a gift certificate worth Rs. 500/-. So what are you waiting for?? Hurry and send in your entries to grab this voucher!!

I hope you have fun playing along!
Would love to hear your feedback about my Mega Celebration events!!

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