February 5, 2013

How to make flowers with Scallop circle

Hi. Before we move to today's post I have some good news to share with you all. I won the Weddings & Celebrations Challenge at Itsy Bitsy for my White and Green Double Gatefold card

Also my Black, White and Grey Floral frame set got an Honorable mention in Crafters Corner Challenge  - Anything but a Card or a LO.

I am sharing this card today that I had made as DT for Lulupu blog. It is a simple S-shaped card. I have punched the outer fold using MS Lace punch. At the inner panel I have used washi tape to decorate the card.
 Here is the tutorial for making these gorgeous flowers.
Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and appreciating my work.


  1. Congrats on your win at Itsy Bitsy and special mention at CC blog Indira ...your work is always so beautiful :) ...I love this scallop flower and your card it looks just gorgeous ...Thank you so much for sharing the Tute ...will have to give this a try !!

  2. congrats Indira..lovely cards and would love to try flowers

  3. Congrats Indira..you always come out with something unique..flowers are pretty..thanks for sharing the tute!!

  4. In love with this flowers Indira! I don't have a scallop punch but what I do have is a scallop scissors! :) I'm trying this the first opportunity I get :)

  5. Lovely work Indira... Thanks for sharing the tutorial too.. Need to give it a try :)


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