August 21, 2012

Sweet Peas with Heart Punch

Hi all. I had a super fun long weekend. I went berserk with my new craft tools from US. I got a MS Score Board, MS Punches and some stickers, doileys, etc. Will soon share what all I made using them :)
Today I want to a share a sweet card having one of my fav flowers 'Sweet Peas'. I am not sure how many of you have seen these flowers in real. I have been lucky to be brought up in army cantts and we had huge lawns in our flats. My dad is very fond of gardening and I have seen a variety of flowers blossom in my garden from Sweet Peas to Dahlias to Zinias and what not!
Sweet Peas are really delicate and need support to grow as they are mainly creepers. They also smell very good. I had seen a video tute on You Tube for making them but the lady had used a particular butterfly punch. I couldn't make it then as I didnt have that punch. But suddenly it struck me to use a heart punch for making sweet peas.
I'll share the link of the video on You Tube soon. Don't have it here with me right now.

Here is my card....
I have tried a center step card for the first time. Used my new MS Score Board to emboss the white bg for the flowers to give a lattice effect.
 Side view...
 A closer look at the flowers
 I have made an elaborate tute on how to use a heart punch to make Sweet Pea flowers.
Please click on the image below to enlarge.
My tute above is for the Sweet Pea buds. I have followed Judy's tute here for the bigger flowers. Only difference is that I used heart punch again and have done embossing instead of spritzing.

Also for those of you who would want to use the sentiment I have used in this card, here it is!!

Challenges entered
Do More with Less: Hussena's Challenge
ICRC20: Embossing + Friendly Fun with Fonts
Craft Punked - Flower Power
Creative craft Challenges - Just a Sentiment
Creative Stamp Friends - Special Card Shape


  1. Thanks for the digi.congrats on your new toys.have fun and do not forget to share what you make with them.Very well made card and flowers.Great take on both the challenges.Well done...and thanks for the tute too.

  2. Nice card Indira and thanks for the tutorial.I was without internet for a month..because we shifted to new place.Now back to blogworld...Great to have new tools...waiting what you create with them.

  3. A big wow to your sweet peas flowers how innovative to use the heart punch to create these beauties...i love your card its beautiful!!!and thanks for the tute.... good to know you have new crafty things to play with definitely looking forward to seeing what you create with it...and Thank you so much for this Digi its got such nice font's
    And most of all Thank you so much for playing along my challenge at Yvonne's blog ..Best of luck :)

  4. Wow!!
    What a beautiful way of using heart punch!!!!
    And thanks for the tutorial!!!
    Looks soo easy and is very beautiful too.....

  5. Your flowers are amazing, what a fantastic idea, love it!! Thanks for joining Craft Punked this week, Paula :)

  6. Good job, Indira. I think white would make more authentic looking sweet pea flowers.

  7. Wow! Your flowers are soooooo pretty! And your card so beautifully composed. Love the fonts on the sentiments too.

    Thanks for playing along with my guest Hussena's challenge. :)

  8. WOW Indira I have not seen this post of yours--its so beautiful ...shall edit my post with a link to this. Thank You for sharing dear!

  9. Thanks for joining in at Craft Punked this week with your lovely card.
    daisylou xxx


Thank you for your lovely comments! They mean a lot to me :)
