December 2, 2014

Mega Celebration 2014 Event 2 - Challenge

Hello and welcome to Mega Celebration 2014 Event 2 - Challenge.
Hope you have registered for the first event - Blog Giveaway. The giveaway is open till midnight, 25th December 2014.

As part of the second event I have a challenge for you. The guidelines for the same are mentioned in the later part of the post. But before that, let me introduce to the lady who actually doesn't need any introduction..... Juhi Khanna!!

Juhi has obliged me by being the guest judge of this contest and she also has a card to inspire you all. I also have another secret judge who, along with Juhi and me, will help pick up the winner of this challenge.

Over to Juhi....

"Hello everyone, I’m Juhi from Juhi’s Handmade cards. First up, I would like to thank Indira for having me here, I am truly honoured.
I have been making cards since 2009, though not so regularly since my daughter was born in December 2011. She’s almost 3 now, which means I get some more time to craft. I must say, my card making skills are a bit rusted and I am still trying to catch up on the latest tools and techniques. My card features my favourite paisley stamp with good old stamping and heat embossing."

 Now isn't that a perfect beauty!! I so love this card! Thanks a lot Juhi for inspiring us!!

What is the Challenge about & Rules to be followed:
1. You need to create a card inspired from Indian motifs (e.g. rangoli patterns, paisleys, mandalas, mehandi designs, etc.)
2. The twist is to not only create the card, but also POST it to the person above you in the Linky.
3. Get in touch with the person above your name in the linky, obtain their postal address and send the card to her before 30 Dec 2014. Linky is open till 25th Dec.
4. Send me a confirmation email at after your partner receives your card. Only then you will be eligible to win.
5. You are allowed to enter the contest only ONCE.
6. You may combine it with ANY number of challenges.
7. Don't forget to link back to this challenge post.

The thought behind this challenge is to explore the beauty of our Indian traditional designs/patterns and use them in our work. Also, most of us are so busy creating cards/projects, but do we actually take out time to post them to the ones we love or in this case send it to the fellow bloggers with whom we interact so much? So, here is a great chance to bond with our fellow crafters by sending them a cute card with a sweet New Year Wish. This doesn't mean that the theme of the card should be New Year. You may take care not to create bulky cards, so that posting them is easy. Hope, it doesn't souns too complicated :)

EDITED: You need to send your card to the person whose name appears above your name in the Linky tool. In case you are the first to link up, you will have to send your card to the last person linking up on 25th Dec. To make things clearer, I will update here to whom you need to send your card, as and when we get entries in the Linky...

Proud Sponsor

Lulupu – The CraftLounge is one of the leading online paper craft supplies store in India. With an array of over 1500 products from leading international brands like Martha Stewart, EK Success, American Crafts and over 100 more labels; it is a one stop shop to purchase genuine craft supplies in India. With an aim to encourage budding crafters and build the crafter community, Lulupu has created a blog platform and YouTube channel which hosts inspiring creative craft ideas, projects and monthly contests along with a team of designers.
Committed towards providing avid crafters in the country an access to world class products, Lulupu offers an extensive delivery network across India. To choose from an array of paper craft supplies for card making, paper quilling, craft tools, embellishments, pattern papers, washi tapes and much more at an attractive price point through convenient payment options including cash on delivery, visit
I am thankful to Karuna Chauhan, the owner of Lulupu - The Craft Lounge, for sponsoring this event. Karuna is offering Little Lindies Set worth Rs.1199/-. Wooohoooo!! Isn't that so awesome! I wish I could also participate and win ;)
EDITED, 23rd Dec 2014: For ease of understanding I am listing down whom you have to send your card to. Once your partner receives your card, please send me a confirmation email.
Jasleen --> Pooja
Shalu --> Jasleen
Purvi --> Shalu
Deepti --> Purvi
Sindhu --> Deepti
and so on.... Pooja will have to wait to see who is the last person in the linky.



  1. Oh Wow !! Firstly because Juhi's card is really "Wow"and absolutely gorgeous the way she combines the traditional with her unique modern twist is simply divine and secondly Indira this challenge is truly one of a kind only you could have come up with such a unique idea:0 ..I really hope I have time to play along this !!

  2. Lovely card and a nice concept!!

  3. Beautiful card and nice concept!!!

  4. What a fabulous idea to post to a fellow crafter...I am guilty of not posting my cards as its such a pain to pack bulky cards which I love to make + visit the courier/ post office!

  5. Love this challenge! Great idea to get people to use Indian motifs! One question though: are we allowed only one entry per person?

  6. Oops! Question answered! Will read through the post more carefully next time!

  7. Wow ...beautiful Card and wat an interesting challenge....loved the Indian traditraditional theme n twist also...would love to join in..:)

  8. Nice and a challenge of a kind..Juhi's card is beautiful..looking forward to participate !!

  9. Very Thoughtful Challenge ! I appreciate the idea of using Indian motifs and also to bond with new friends by sending card to them.Will surely try to join in :)

  10. Gorgeous card, Juhi. And what a wonderful challenge too. I loved the idea behind it. Really hoping to play along this one-of-a-kind challenge. :)

  11. attractive card juhi, Indira - very interesting and innovative celebration

  12. Linked my card ! I am the first one so I will have wait till last ;) !

  13. A very thoughtful and amazing challenge! Glad that I can be a part of the challenge! Linked up my card... :)

  14. Hi ! Pooja received my card yesterday. :)

  15. And just now, I received Shalu's card as well. And I mean it, it is so much more beautiful in real. :)

  16. Hi, I received Deepti's card on the 26th
    Also Shalu received my card yesterday!


Thank you for your lovely comments! They mean a lot to me :)
