November 21, 2014

Revamped Blog and a Simple Card

Hello and welcome to my revamped, refurbished blog!! Thanks to Dr. Sonia for this inspiring post that gave me the push to update and declutter my blog. Not that I didn't like my earlier design, but since it was a custom template, I couldn't play around with it. Dr. Sonia, I have tried to incorporate many of your blogging tips here and would love to hear your feedback on the same.
Please do let me know how you like this new look by commenting on this post and by responding to the poll on the right side.
I am also sharing a rather simple card in this post. I really didn't have to do much here.
The card base is bright yelloe Fabriano CS. I used MS Loop punch to make that frame for the card. The black floral design is a sticker that I found in a stationery store. I wanted it look like a leafy vine behind a frame.
Challenges entered
BGC#63 - Monochromatic
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Indira...what an honor you have given me my friend!! The True spirit of blogging is showcased by you!! Okay a couple of things-- your card is brilliant...such a wonderful way to frame the sticker! And love the yellow black color combo.
    About the blog look-- its so clean and beautiful now...uncluttered! I used to love your pages even earlier and admired the way you kept it organized. Always such a pleasure to drop in on a blog which is loved by its owner!!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous card Indira ...What a wonderful use of the stickers ..Your color combo and design is just Wow !!

  3. This is so fantastic Indira, I am still exhaling! Those flowers are given such a wonderful definition! I can barely believe this is handmade!

  4. Gorgeous card Indira! I really love this card with lovely colors and great use of sticker.
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at BGC :)

    (Love the new look of your blog :)

  5. Well i think one can never go wrong with yellow !!!
    Lovely pop of color
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at BGC :)

  6. Stunning card! It's so sunny!
    Thank you for playing along at BGC!


Thank you for your lovely comments! They mean a lot to me :)
