February 26, 2014

Lattice Window Card

Hi everyone!! I have been meaning to try out a lattice window card since a very long time, and finally I got the time for it. Though tedious, I loved creating this lattice window. I am also going to try out different versions of it. I first created this panel and then mounted it on a green card base. Love how the green peeps out of the white panel.

I also have been doing a lot of watercoloring these days... my cards in coming days will reveal those! I printed a whole lot of these pretty digis from the net and colored them using Faber Castell watercolor pencils. This one is from Beccy's blog. When I completed coloring this, I had a vision in mind as to how I wanted my card to be and I was able to achieve what I had thought of. I wanted a very subtle but intricate background for this.

Here's a look at behind the scene pics... I used an old piece of CS to create the lattice, thus the coloring on the strips. 

That's all for today... Ciao!!

Challenges entered
BGC #46 - Love is in the Air
Lulupu Challenge #26 - Try Something New !


  1. this is lovely indira :)

    I have been following you for sometime but somehow your posts never came up on my dashboard - maybe i was not checking in too often ;) anyhoo, love your work :)


  2. Gorgeous card Indira! love the lattice bg you created and the digi is beautiful and beautifully colored!

  3. Indira this is a lovely card & I soo love the water colouring done & Lattice is one of the styles I also want to experinment with!

  4. Very pretty :) Love your card it is so neat and color scheme is awesome I sure gonna make one

  5. It's such a beautiful card, Indira! Love the way you have created that lattice and your superb coloring of the digi image. Such pretty colors too! :)

  6. Beautiful, really beautiful. Even I love the green peeping out of the lattice. I think it's a brilliant idea. Water-colouring is superb too. :)

  7. Ohh wow! Absolutely gorgeous card with lattice window and subtle colors!
    Thanks for joining us at Lulupu Challenge # 26 Good luck!

  8. Oh my Love this one alot !!!
    I first thought its a die that u used for the lattice !!! Its fabulous !
    Thank you so much for playing along Lulupu # 26 and Best of luck!

  9. The creation has been designed very elegantly Indira !
    Thanks for playing with us @ BGC :)

  10. Love the details. Beautifully done! Thanks for joining us at BGC!

  11. Beautiful card! Love the lattice and awesome coloring. Thank you so much for playing along with us at BGC :)

  12. this is so lovely!!! I have made a lattice card, thanks to you for the inspiration!! Please do check out mine here
    Moxie Craftie


Thank you for your lovely comments! They mean a lot to me :)
