July 17, 2011

RAKs and mulberry roses

This post is due since a long time. I had received the below RAK from Anita Kejriwal for winning the Guest Challenge at Kavitha's blog. It was very kind of Anita to send me such varied stuff. I really freaked out on it :) Have a look...
To know what the challenge was all about visit the link here....

Here are 2 cards I received on my Birthday from Sudha of ICR and Lucy, member of ICR from Goa.
This card is from Sudha...... Thanks a lot Sudha for the lovely card!
And this one is from Lucy..........I was pleasantly surprised to recieve it. Thanks a lot Lucy! Since I received it in office I was showing it off to all my colleagues and they loved it too!

And here are some oh-so gorgeous mulberry paper roses I ordered from Ujjwal. I love them so much I really dunno if I'll use them or not :) Hehhe...
And, beside the roses u'll see a cute li'l card sent by Ujjwal.


  1. Wao!!!

    Lucky you Indu... Lovely stuff you have got...
    Enjoy the goodies...
    How was the crafter's meet? Do update... We had a wonderful time together...


  2. Wow Indira.. Well you totally deserved to win and now have some funw ith these goodies so that we can see so much more of your work..>!!

  3. wow indira such a lovely rak have loads of fun and keep making creative stuff like u always do.,loved the cards u received both are very pretty.and the mulberry roses are so beautiful too.

  4. Wow u got some cute stuff have fun.
    Hey u got the card? I m happy that u liked it.

  5. Wow so many goodies! And the birthday cards are awesome
    Yes it will be tough to use those beautiful roses!

  6. Amazing RAK's dearie !! And bful roses :)


Thank you for your lovely comments! They mean a lot to me :)
