May 28, 2009

Flip Flop Ganpati Card

This is a real easy way to make 2 cards out of one........ just draw a design on colored paper....... cut it out carefully with blade and paste it on a card. For the second one, arrange the pieces into the same way as the drawing and paste onto a card :-)

Dried flower cards

These are my fav cards....... I made them way back in 1996......... and have managed to preserve them till now. I collected small flowers that grow in the garden and used some green leaves to make this.

May 22, 2009

Pop-up card

I just love crafts and my hands start itching if I don't make something for a little while......... however small it may be.
I came across a site with very good video instructions for crafts items. I made this pop-up flower card for my mom on mother's day. For instructions refer to